

Photographers we love: Ardelle Neubert

Ardelle Neubert's photography is real in that way that you feel like you are experiencing her captured moments with her. You feel the ripples in the water, hear the laughter in the air, and see movement in her still images. There is a depth to her shots that draws you in, feeling the emotion of each moment she documents.

We had the opportunity to connect with Ardelle about her work. Get to know the woman behind these beautiful images in the brief Q&A below...

Q. What got you into photography?

I grew up in a creative household. My dad was our family's photographer, documenting our lives. My mom always had creative projects on the go. This gave me freedom to create how I chose. As a child this was in the form of drawing and sculpting. It wasn't until I had my own children that I chose to be creative through photography. Nine years ago, after receiving a DLSR as a gift, I enrolled in a basic class at a local community college. I started reading and immersing myself with everything I could learn about the technical aspects of photography. Then, I started working at my craft every day, experimenting and perfecting different techniques with light, optics and compositions. Over years of working, I discovered a body of work was emerging that I was proud of.

Q. We see that your muses are your boys. Do they ever protest being photographed? Do they even notice anymore? Do they realize what a beautiful photographic history you're creating for them?

The work I create is both a documentation of our lives and a creative outlet. Yes, there are days/moments that my boys do not want to be photographed. I have learned to respect their wishes and privacy, especially now that they are getting older. My camera is almost always with me, but I choose to watch for moments to photograph, waiting for the right moment to pull out my camera. With this careful observation, the camera isn't in their faces all the time and I can usually get what I am after without them protesting or even noticing. My boys have also learned that I need this creative outlet to be fulfilled. If there is a particular project I want to work on, they most often will be patient and work with me to achieve it. I do hope that someday they look back and appreciate that my work was made from my heart.

Q. Do you have a favourite image that you've taken and what makes it so special for you?

I have always been drawn to the water. I knew I wanted to get my camera in the water so ideas started forming around exploring underwater photography. Several years ago I made the decision to invest in an underwater housing. This is not an easy decision to make for this landlocked Canadian with such a short outdoor swimming season. The Ikelite housing for my MarkIII and 24mm lens has been amazing. When in the water, everything feels different. Sights, sounds, and movements are all different. Since the water and the light it reflects is always changing, I am challenged every time I get my gear in the water. Every image created is unique. For this reason, my favourite images I have taken are always underwater images.

Q. What is in your gear bag?

  • Camera body Canon 5D Mark III and a variety of lenses (favourites marked with an asterisk).
  • Sigma 50mmArt 1.4*
  • Sigma 24mmArt 1.4*
  • Canon 45mmTS*
  • Canon 35mm 1.4
  • Canon 85mm 1.2
  • Canon 100mm Macro 2.8
  • Canon 70-200mm 2.8
  • Ikelite Underwater Housing Unit

Q. What tips do you have for anyone wanting to get better at his or her own photography?

Once you learn your gear as well as light and composition, practice with intention. Be mindful of every aspect of your images. Fully engage in the process of making those images. What do you want them to look like? What do you want them to say? What do you want them to feel like? If you begin to work with intent, you will create stronger, more meaningful images.

Want to share more moments with Ardelle? Visit her site to see and learn more.

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Hero Images is a team of photographers & art directors producing images for the exceptional creative.