Tech Talk: Back it up!

Written by Hero Images | Jan 25, 2016 4:00:13 PM

One of the questions I often get asked is, “Do I really need a backup?” The answer is an emphatic and resounding “YES”. I know it sounds so obvious and simple but how many times have you seen on social media that one of your friends had his laptop stolen with a year’s worth of writing on it or she had her hard drive crash on her desktop and she lost everything on it. All hard drives fail. It’s not a matter of if, it’s a matter of when. This is something that I take very seriously at Hero as we have terabytes upon terabytes of information that I would really rather not lose.

So here is my advice – at the very least have a backup on an external hard drive. A cloud service is even better as it can’t be stolen or lost in a fire. Be diligent about keeping your backup up to date. If you are a photography company or a prolific single shooter, I suggest [editors note: deep geekiness ahead] having a combination of a cloud-based service and paired RAID 5 servers in two different locations with archived material copied onto differently-branded external drives mirrored and moved to two separate locations. Overkill? Maybe. But will we ever lose our information? In any scenario where we would lose all the information on all the backups, it will be the least of our concerns (think nuclear blast, global flooding, zombie apocalypse, the end of civilization)…

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